Attention all Central Coast Vegan’s, straight-edge punkers and food lovers….

I have started a vegan baking thing, for real. There, i said it! I have been a busy little chicken. Just finished my final year of University and my vegan baking adventure is… Continue reading

My Neighbours Balls.

In a previous post, i mentioned that my neighbour had made some energy balls that were delicious and inspired me to get rolling with some of my own raw balls. Well, she has… Continue reading

Electric Blue Inspiration.

I have found a new blog/source of inspiration. I wish i lived in America sometimes, they seem to have lots of vegan stuff happening over there. This chick does vegan food and specialises… Continue reading

Amazing Tomato Soup.

This is another baby from the Veganomicon cook book. Wow. Packed with deep tomato flavours, with a bit of a kick. This would go down well with some faux meatballs….perhaps made with Quorn?… Continue reading

Put the Lime in the Coconut.

Dang. This thing is moist and packed with creamy coconutty goodness and a zing of citrus from the lime. Again, another beautiful creation from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

Blueberry Delight.

I made a big batch of this smoothie, enough for breakfast and a take away lunch. It was sooooo yummy. When i arrived at the office, i went to my bag to retrieve… Continue reading


With a sprig of fresh mint straight from our garden. So tasty and all vegan baby! Recipe is from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. I have to say, that their cook books… Continue reading

Melon Ball Salad.

I decided to buy some melon’s so that i could finally use my melon ball scooper for it’s actual intended use. Melons are only ever going to be served this way, from now… Continue reading

Mini Cupcake Heaven.

This is what 248 mini cupcakes in seven variations: carrot, chocolate mint, coconut and lime, rosewater and pistachio, pumpkin spice, tiramisu and banana looks like. 12 hours of baking and frosting, devoured in… Continue reading

Rolphy’s ButterFingers.

Yum!!! These turned out deliciously and they turn me into a greedy little pig. A healthy, vegan version of butter fingers. The name is dedicated to a dear friend who is known for… Continue reading